Ahh... The Heal is what ultimately sets you free. It's time to set yourself free from the past and remove those old belief systems and past programming that continue to hold you back and rob you of being the best version of you. Do you want to set yourself free from the past and experience a new level of joy? Are you tired of feeling emotionally stuck and physically drained of your precious energy? Would you like to release paralyzing emotions now… like sadness, anger, worry, and resentment?
Is it time to rewire your life and experience more passion, purpose, and prosperity? Perfect! Then you are in the right place!
See it took me years to get to where I am now. Struggling and blaming others for my misfortune and not showing up as the best human at times. Vacillating between that happy good time girl… to the many days and nights of sadness and intense melancholy. Incredible swings between the two… and in the middle would be those days of just being angry. Angry at my parents, my friends, the world, with God, and just plain angry with myself. Why wasn’t I good enough? Why can’t I find someone to love? Why am I still mad and bitter and holding on to grudges for things that happened so long ago? Life was like a YOYO… up and down. It was like the never ending figure eight. Just continuing to go around and around in circles in what felt like eternity. I was the straight up victim in life and I had the real story to go with it. My father was in a tragic car accident that took his life when I was 10 years old and that would ultimately define me for the next 25+ years of my life. I know what you're thinking… that's along time to be carrying around all that heavy baggage and your right… it was down right debilitating at times. Until one day I had a conversation with God and he gave me a swift kick in the right direction and I started on my healing journey. Now this is not a program of religious convincing. God is also known as my higher self, my universal source love, my love and light. So please take it for what it means to you. It can be just as simple as a presence of energy… whatever descriptor resonates with you.
“Pain is Inevitable… Suffering is Optional” ~ Dalai Lama
So my swift kick that started me on my spiritual journey of exploration and just the outright need to feel even slightly better than the state I was in, had landed me in the hands of some pretty incredible mentors, coaches, and light workers. Through this amazing and sometimes tumultuous journey I have learned and mastered some pretty amazing tools and processes for healing.
Isn’t there so much more you want to do in this life? Isn’t it time to ditch the drama and get back to a loving space for you and the ones you love? Don't live the rest of your life in unconscious programming. It's time to reconnect to that peaceful place, that sweet spot, so you can be that playful kindred spirit again.
The body, mind, and soul connection is an amazing thing! The ability to heal can be so simple if we choose a higher state of being. If we choose a higher state of love. And the beautiful thing is you don’t have to be alone in the process. And we are never really alone… right? Its time to choose the breakthrough. To choose the transformation. Even if it seems small and trivial or feels like a big elephant locked away in your subconscious mind trying to bust its way out…. remember you are never really alone. We can do this!
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