How I see it... “To raise the vibration of the planet… one person at a time… one community at a time… one world at a time.”
How I do it... Coaching and empowering women to heal and fully align with their destiny. Leaving a legacy built on a foundation of love and pure positive impact, and to consciously raise the vibration of the planet… one person at a time.
How I make it so... 1. Its All About Love We are here to Raise The Vibration of The Planet and Love is what makes the World Go Round.
2. Pure Positive Impact! I am a Women Living My Life On Purpose and My Hope for You… Is Your Inspired to do the Same.
3. Shine Your Beautiful Boss Brilliance… You already have the answers… I'm here to help you tap into and bring out your True Boss Brilliance! While sharing amazing tips and transformation I’ve learned along the way.
4. Spirituality is My Jam! My Coach Approach Blends… Traditional with a Divine Spiritual Twist.
5. Best of Both Worlds… I am a Forward Mover and Shaker and Intuitively Empathetic all wrapped up in one!
6. Kindness is Key We are here to Rise Up and Kindness is the Key to Unlock the Door.
7. Growth Work Continuing to learn, love, and breathe your unique energy into your craft while tapping into the vast knowledge you already have. Ahhh… Synergy!
8. Truth & Honesty I’m not a fit for everyone and not everyone is a fit for me. My language may be a little Feisty at times but My Heart is Pure.
9. Freedom To Be… Your True Authentic Self. Beating around the bush and playing small is not where we’re at… It’s Time to Shine!
10. Go it Alone… No Way! We are here to Connect, Collaborate, and Build a Community of like minded Peeps.
11. Mediocre Doesn’t play in this house, keep your vision bright, especially when things get tough. This is about rising up and Melting them with your Magnificence. Your Message Matters.
12. Perfectly Imperfect… We Strive to Be Better than we were yesterday, and to not compare ourselves to others, but to be Inspired by Them.
13. Contribution I’m not afraid to take the deep dive with you my sister… just know that we won’t stay there long… progress happens when we get out of ourselves and decide how we will Serve.
15. Only Playful Kindred Spirits need Apply! Will we have some deeper moments… Oh Yes… but that Light on the other side… that's our Playground. Let's play!
 14. Live. Love. Legacy. Thats what I'm here to do… and if your still here now… I'm guessing you are too!
Enter your information to learn more about coaching with Michelle... There is a reason you are here... * I will never share, rent or sell your information.
michelle pesonen, founder I Heal.manifest.flourish TERMS OF USE I PRIVACY POLICY I SITE MAP © 2021 heal.manifest.flourish. All rights reserved.
How I see it... “To raise the vibration of the planet… one person at a time… one community at a time… one world at a time.”
How I do it... Coaching and empowering women to heal and fully align with their destiny. Leaving a legacy built on a foundation of love and pure positive impact, and to consciously raise the vibration of the planet… one person at a time.
How I make it so... 2. Pure Positive Impact! I am a Women Living My Life On Purpose and My Hope for You… Is Your Inspired to do the Same. 1. Its All About Love We are here to Raise The Vibration of The Planet and Love is what makes the World Go Round.
3. Shine Your Beautiful Boss Brilliance… You already have the answers… I'm here to help you tap into and bring out your True Boss Brilliance! While sharing amazing tips and transformation I’ve learned along the way.
4. Spirituality is My Jam! My Coach Approach Blends… Traditional with a Divine Spiritual Twist. 5. Best of Both Worlds… I am a Forward Mover and Shaker and Intuitively Empathetic all wrapped up in one!
6. Kindness is Key We are here to Rise Up and Kindness is the Key to Unlock the Door.
7. Growth Work Continuing to learn, love, and breathe your unique energy into your craft while tapping into the vast knowledge you already have. Ahhh… Synergy!
8. Truth & Honesty I’m not a fit for everyone and not everyone is a fit for me. My language may be a little Feisty at times but My Heart is Pure.
9. Freedom To Be… Your True Authentic Self. Beating around the bush and playing small is not where we’re at… It’s Time to Shine!
10. Go it Alone… No Way! We are here to Connect, Collaborate, and Build a Community of like minded Peeps.
11. Mediocre Doesn’t play in this house, keep your vision bright, especially when things get tough. This is about rising up and Melting them with your Magnificence. Your Message Matters.
12. Perfectly Imperfect… We Strive to Be Better than we were yesterday, and to not compare ourselves to others, but to be Inspired by Them.
13. Contribution I’m not afraid to take the deep dive with you my sister… just know that we won’t stay there long… progress happens when we get out of ourselves and decide how we will Serve.
 14. Live. Love. Legacy. Thats what I'm here to do… and if your still here now… I'm guessing you are too!
15. Only Playful Kindred Spirits need Apply! Will we have some deeper moments… Oh Yes… but that Light on the other side… that's our Playground. Let's play!
Enter your information to learn more about coaching with Michelle... * I will never share, rent or sell your information.
michelle pesonen, founder I Heal.manifest.flourish
TERMS OF USE I PRIVACY POLICY I SITE MAP © 2021 heal.manifest.flourish. All rights reserved.
How I see it... “To raise the vibration of the planet… one person at a time… one community at a time… one world at a time.”
How I do it... Coaching and empowering women to heal and fully align with their destiny. Leaving a legacy built on a foundation of love and pure positive impact, and to consciously raise the vibration of the planet… one person at a time.
How I make it so... 1. Its All About Love We are here to Raise The Vibration of The Planet and Love is what makes the World Go Round.
2. Pure Positive Impact! I am a Women Living My Life On Purpose and My Hope for You… Is Your Inspired to do the Same.
3. Shine Your Beautiful Boss Brilliance… You already have the answers… I'm here to help you tap into and bring out your True Boss Brilliance! While sharing amazing tips and transformation I’ve learned along the way. 4. Spirituality is My Jam! My Coach Approach Blends… Traditional with a Divine Spiritual Twist.
5. Best of Both Worlds… I am a Forward Mover and Shaker and Intuitively Empathetic all wrapped up in one!
6. Kindness is Key We are here to Rise Up and Kindness is the Key to Unlock the Door.
7. Growth Work Continuing to learn, love, and breathe your unique energy into your craft while tapping into the vast knowledge you already have. Ahhh… Synergy!
8. Truth & Honesty I’m not a fit for everyone and not everyone is a fit for me. My language may be a little Feisty at times but My Heart is Pure.
9. Freedom To Be… Your True Authentic Self. Beating around the bush and playing small is not where we’re at… It’s Time to Shine!
10. Go it Alone… No Way! We are here to Connect, Collaborate, and Build a Community of like minded Peeps.
11. Mediocre Doesn’t play in this house, keep your vision bright, especially when things get tough. This is about rising up and Melting them with your Magnificence. Your Message Matters.
12. Perfectly Imperfect… We Strive to Be Better than we were yesterday, and to not compare ourselves to others, but to be Inspired by Them.
13. Contribution I’m not afraid to take the deep dive with you my sister… just know that we won’t stay there long… progress happens when we get out of ourselves and decide how we will Serve.
 14. Live. Love. Legacy. Thats what I'm here to do… and if your still here now… I'm guessing you are too!
15. Only Playful Kindred Spirits need Apply! Will we have some deeper moments… Oh Yes… but that Light on the other side… that's our Playground. Let's play!
Enter your information to learn more about coaching with Michelle... There is a reason you are here...
* I will never share, rent or sell your information.
michelle pesonen, founder I Heal.manifest.flourish
© 2021 heal.manifest.flourish. All rights reserved.